Juniper SRX 系統預設策略配置

Juniper SRX 系統預設策略配置:

何謂系統預設策略(system-default policies)?
系統預設策略乃是會套用至整個系統的策略,它只有兩種命令,deny-all或是permit all,預設為deny-all,例如不同的zone之間是無法互通的,除非您在策略中設定允許才行,這就是因為系統預設策略預設為deny-all的原因。而若將系統預設策略設定成permit all,除非您是要測試流量不通是否是因為策略設定所影響的關係,否則這樣做就失去防火牆的意義了。

Default Security Policies
On the SRX devices, system-default and factory-default security policies are implemented as follows:
System-Default Security Policy
By default, Junos denies all traffic through an SRX Series device.(
系統預設策略為deny-all) In fact, an implicit default security policy exists that denies all packets. You can change this behavior by configuring a standard security policy that permits certain types of traffic.  The implicit default policy can be changed to permit all traffic with the 'set security policies default-policy' command; however, this is not recommended.
Factory-Default Security Policies
The factory-default template configuration file in branch security platforms has three preconfigured security policies (not to be confused with the system-default security policy discussed in the previous paragraph):
1.  Trust-to-trust zone policy: Denies all intrazone traffic within the trust zone
2.  Trust-to-untrust zone policy: Permits all traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone
3.  Untrust-to-trust zone policy: Denies all traffic from the untrust zone to the trust zone.
These can be displayed with the 'show security policies' command:
root@> show security policies | no-more
Default policy: deny-all
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: trust-to-untrust, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit
Note: The device outputs in the above command is based on the Junos 12.1X44 release.

root# show security policies default-policy   ##查看當前系統預設策略動作
root# set security policies default-policy ?   ##設置系統預設策略動作
Possible completions:
deny-all Deny all traffic if no policy match     ##deny-all表示policy沒有開放的,通通禁止。此為系統預設值This is the default
permit-all Permit all traffic if no policy match   ##permit-all表示policy沒有限制的,通通允許

root@srx100-a# show security policies default-policy
root@srx100-a# set security policies default-policy permit-all    ##permit-all表示policy沒有限制的,通通允許
root@srx100-a# show security policies default-policy
root@srx100-a# set security policies default-policy deny-all    ##設定了permit-all記得要deny-all回來
root@srx100-a# show security policies default-policy



